Monday, May 18, 2009

Accessorizing My Inner Rock Star

We've all got our moods. (Cheapy can attest that I certainly do.) And my mood is always reflected in my clothes. I've got my beige days and my hot pink days. My blazer days and my ruffle days. My demure days and my rock star days. Lately rock star has been in heavy rotation.

It started on a recent trip to the Gap Clearance Center with my top-of-the-list shopping friend from Brooklyn. In the pile of 27 items I'd dragged into the dingy dressing room I discovered a perfect pair of low rise skinny pants in a groovy grey with loads of zipper and snap pockets. I want to wear them more often than I don't. And they were like five bucks.

Then I got a deal-of-the-day email from (which you should all sign up for right now) and found these Boutique 58 shoes for just shy of $30. They're work-appropriate rock star--amazingly comfortable black studded slingbacks (which I've since purchased in beige as well).

Next I needed some bona fide rock star jewelery like this sterling silver beauty from the Van Halen store. (It's not vintage, but it's made from the original mold and the back is stamped with ©1980. Vintage VH necklaces are nowhere to be found on eBay--because who would part with something so cool. It's an awesome logo.)

And doesn't every girl need a snake for her neck when she's feeling a little edgy? This one came from a fab etsy store I stumbled upon called Rag Trader. (I've picked up a few other pieces from this seller. The jewelry is fun and well-priced.)

Then just a few days ago I ordered these deal-of-the-century Bettye Muller pumps from Amazon. (I saved $366.76--ten bucks came off the sale price in my shopping cart. Don't know why; don't care why. Just enjoyed the happy register surprise.) These will look so perfect with my skinny pants. (Thanks, L, for the tip on Amazon designer deals. Forget all those books--it's a terrific place to buy shoes.)

Now I'm off the sharpen my black eyeliner...


PS Holic said...

Really enjoyed this post.. great!!!

Kaylee said...

we thank them both from my heart that we can see so much beauty.
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Unknown said...

Let us rock and roll! It's so good if you know how to mix-and-match with accessories.

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